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Collection System

The District operates a wastewater collection system consisting of approximately 35 miles of mostly vitrified clay (VCP) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes ranging from 6 to 30-inches in diameter. The collection system flows by gravity to the District’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), therefore there are no lift stations or force mains.

Some large parcels and certain lower-density areas, particularly at the northern extreme of the District, currently utilize alternative means of sewage disposal (i.e. private onsite septic systems) consistent with applicable health and safety requirements.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

The District operates a 3.25  million gallons per day (MGD) secondary-level Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) located on west of East Bear Mountain Road at Wildman Road.  The permitted capacity of this facility is 2.0 MGD.  The average day sewage flow to the WWTP is  1.20 MGD.

Disposal of Treated Wastewater

The District currently disposes of its treated wastewater, or effluent water, on District owned land.  The majority of the District’s effluent is used in the green waste composting facility, owned and operated by Recology Blossom Valley Organics – South (Recology), and located south of the District’s wastewater treatment plant. The remaining effluent is applied on 130 acres of land owned by the District and farmed by Recology. The crops currently grown consist of silage, winter wheat and alfalfa.  Due to the current level of wastewater treatment, the District is limited as to the type of crops in which its effluent wate can be applied, primarily fodder crops, winter wheat, alfalfa and cotton.